Wednesday, November 18, 2009

NEED name for my Italian restaurant. Needs to be ONE WORD and Italian. Please give me some ideas! Thanks.?

Our old place was called Pizzeria DeCarlo. We are pondering VERONA or CIAO. We serve pizza, pasta, salads, and panini. Breakfast-lunch-dinner, casual dining, pick-up, delivery. We are in a small suburb outside of Chicago. No Capone or mafia references, please.

NEED name for my Italian restaurant. Needs to be ONE WORD and Italian. Please give me some ideas! Thanks.?
Reply:CASAMIA (my home). Pronounce K脿hsahm茅eah

In Italian it should be Casa mia (2 separate words) but you've asked it must be only one and then....!!!.
Reply:i wouldn't call it by a place name unless the food style is literally from that place. are you italian? what about your surname? why does it need to be one word? ciao is ok but has nothing to do with food. how about Cibobuono?
Reply:I like "limone" meaning lemon. It's fresh and edgy. Try avoiding the commonly known words like ciao or verona. Also try your own name. Sometimes that is the best solution. Orville Redenbacher paid a lot of money for a marketing firm, only to come up with the name that his mother gave him as the name of his product.


Reply:I like ciao. what about bella? vino?
Reply:How about BELLA ? Good Luck %26amp; Blessings
Reply:Venetian .
Reply:maybe bella

it means beautiful
Reply:SUBITO is a nice name for an Italian restaurant
Reply:gustoso - it means "really good tasting". If you wanted one word to describe your restaurant and your food, I would think that would be it. Good Luck!
Reply:you can combine these or use them alone.

felice-means HAPPY

cucina=means CUISINE

bene, fortemente, buono, forte, felice, bravo, competente -all mean GOOD.

cibo, vitto-mean FOOD
Reply:don't choose ciao there are so many in the world...what about vicoletto(it means alley) or calabria(a region in the south of Italy) or fattoincasa (it's not a word, actually are 3 but it looks good also like this and it means made at home)...
Reply:name it APPETITE...but in the italian word...or Mon my appetite...Im unsure of spelling ..My Italian Appetie...Love this name...Appetite....perfect and to the point


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