Thursday, April 15, 2010

Does anyone know the name of this Italian round chocolate christmas cookie like thing?

the insides is chocolate and you make round balls and then you can make a icing of dirfferent colors and put on top and they taste so good however i dont know the name and dont have the recipe ..please help we have ate them lots around christmas

Does anyone know the name of this Italian round chocolate christmas cookie like thing?
Chocolate Ball Recipe


2 Sticks butter

1 1/2 cup Graham cracker crumbs

1/2 cup Chopped pecans

1 cup Coconut

1 Box powdered sugar

1 tablespoon Vanilla

12 ounces crunchy peanut butter

6 ounces semisweet chocolate chips

1/2 Cake paraffin wax (1/4 pound size cakes)


Melt butter in large container. Stir in graham cracker crumbs, pecans, coconut, powdered sugar and vanilla; add peanut butter and mix well. Roll into walnut size balls and lay out on waxed paper.

Melt chocolate and paraffin together over hot water. Using 2 teaspoons (or any method you prefer) dip each ball into mixture returning to waxed paper. The balls will cool quickly.

This recipe for Chocolate Balls serves/makes 6 dozen

flowering shrubs

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